
    .KEY device/A,unit/A
    .BRA {
    .KET }

    ; Let's wait until Carrier-Detect goes low what means
    ; that the user has terminated the connection ...
    MB:C/SyncCD {device} {unit} POLL

    ; Quit the "Getty" started in the previous script ...
    Getty -S{device} -U{unit} -0

    ; Give Getty enough time to clean up and to start "uuxqt".
    ; Continue when "uuxqt" has finished its job ...
    Wait 10
    Lab uuxqtwait
    MB:C/Exist T:UUXQT#?.LOCK
    If $RC GT 0 VAL
      ;Echo "UUXQT still running ..."
      Wait 3
      Skip BACK uuxqtwait

    ; Lower priority ...
    ; (EazyBBS resets it when the scripts ends)
    ChangeTaskPri -1 PROCESS $process

    ; Unbatch incoming messages ...
    ; (and update our newsreader's database)
    ; for use with Crash-CNews: NewsBin:Relay/UnBatch

    ; And now batch the news for all connected sites ...
    ; for use with Crash-CNews: NewsBin:Batch/DoBatch

Nach Ablauf der Skriptdatei belegt EazyBBS wieder die serielle Schnittstelle und f�hrt fort wie nach dem normalen Logout eines Benutzers aus der Mailbox.